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Below is the code for a Sample MPI Program.

Sample MPI Program

3-Dimensional Array Smoothing.

        program stress_test_mpi
!  Simple contrived program to see how systems perform an MPI test 
!  intended to test/stress distributed-memory systems.
!  This test repeatedly "smooths" or "filters" a 3-d (gridded) array,
!  starting either from a random or deterministic data array.
!  This makes a good system "stress test", since the arrays can be as 
!  large or small as required, and the job can be run for as long or 
!  as short as required (by varying the number of filtering passes).
!  The 7-point filter around the centre-point in a 3-d lattice structure
!  ariss quite often numerically, and poses a performance challenge for 
!  scalar processors!
!  The program reads 8 input variables, from 6 lines of standard input,
!  or redirected from a file.  See "program parameters" below.
       implicit none
!  Considerations for MPI version:
!    "Global" indices have subscript _glob
!    "Local" indices have subscript _loc
!    Each "local" array arr_in (over local domain) is extended to 
!    contain an extra "layer", 1-point wide, right around the domain.
!    This extra layer, or "shadow zone", or "halo", is used to hold
!    neighbouring array values in the global (physical) domain, but 
!    which are really part of the local domain of a neighbouring MPI
!    process.  Subroutines "shado_xchange_*" are used to fill this
!    "shadow zone" by exchanging boundary data between MPI processes.
!    The extended domain idea also helps with the numerics of filtering
!    since we can treat the physical (global) boundaries as if there 
!    were another point beyond them.
!    Just remember that the (global) array arr_in(nx,ny,nz) in the
!    sequential case becomes a set of (local) arrays 
!       arr_in(nx_loc,ny_loc,nz_loc) 
!    in the domain decomposition, which in turn become the "extended"
!    "local" arrays 
!       arx_in(nx_loc+2,ny_loc_2,nz_loc+2)
!    The relationship to keep in mind between these is:
!       arr_in(i,j,k)  ==  arx_in(i+1,j+1,k+1)
       integer nx_glob, ny_glob, nz_glob, 
     &         nx_loc,  ny_loc,  nz_loc,
     &  i_glob, j_glob, k_glob, i_loc, j_loc, k_loc, i,j,k
       integer iseed, icount, maxcount
       integer iofreq, irkz, indx0, itag1
       integer ierror,myrank,nprocs   ! MPI-related variables
       integer nprocx, nprocy, nprocz         ! domain decomposition!
       integer myrankx, myranky, myrankz      ! relative rank in each direction
       integer iloc, jloc, kloc, iparam(9)
       real    rparam(2)
       include 'mpif.h'
       integer istatus(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
       real xran1, twopi,xdist,ydist,zdist
!      real, allocatable :: arr_in(:,:,:), arr_out(:,:,:) ! Physical domains
       real, allocatable :: arx_in(:,:,:), arx_out(:,:,:) ! Extended domains
       real, allocatable :: ardx(:)
       integer, allocatable :: indx(:)
       real valmax, wght, rwght3,rwght4,rwght5,rwght6
!      For an MPI program, initialize MPI first!
       call MPI_Init(ierror)
             if( then
               print *,'Error in MPI_INIT, ierror=',ierror
               go to 999
         call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD,nprocs,ierror)
             if( then
               print *,'Error in MPI_COMM_SIZE, ierror=',ierror
               go to 999
         call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD,myrank,ierror)
             if( then
               print *,'Error from MPI_COMM_RANK, ierror=',ierror
               go to 999
!       write(9+myrank,*) 'Myrank ',myrank,' initialized.'
!      Some program parameters: 
!      (Only one process reads these, then broadcasts to the others)
      if(myrank.eq.0) then
!     read(*,*) maxcount  ! Max. number of filter iterations (problem length)
      read(*,*) iparam(1) ! Max. number of filter iterations (problem length)
!     read(*,*) nx_glob,ny_glob,nz_glob  ! global grid values
      read(*,*) iparam(2), iparam(3), iparam(4)
!     read(*,*) iofreq    ! No. of iterations between writing output
      read(*,*) iparam(5) ! No. of iterations between writing output
!     read(*,*) wght      ! Filter weights (coefficients)
      read(*,*) rparam(1) ! Filter weights (coefficients)
!     read(*,*) valmax    ! Max. value of 3-d field (for scaling only)
      read(*,*) rparam(2) ! Max. value of 3-d field (for scaling only)
!     read(*,*) iseed     ! Zero for deterministic array; otherwise random seed
      read(*,*) iparam(6) ! Zero for deterministic array; otherwise random seed
      read(*,*) iparam(7), iparam(8), iparam(9) ! domain decomposition 
!  Some suggested values:
!      100                 ! maxcount, number of filter iterations
!      400, 400, 800       ! global grid values, to use 1 GB memory altogether.
!      10                  ! iofreq, i.e, output every 10 iterations
!      0.05                ! wght, for relatively "light" filtering
!      100.                ! valmax, just for order-1 output values
!      0                   ! iseed, zero for deterministic array, best for checking correctness
! --- Start of MPI-specific section ----
!  Check that domain decomp is consistent with nprocs:
        if(nprocs .ne. iparam(7)*iparam(8)*iparam(9)) then
          print *,'Error: domain decomposition inconsistent with total
     &   process count.  Must quit here.'
          go to 999
!     Distribute these basic control parameters to every process...
      call MPI_Bcast(iparam(1),9,MPI_INTEGER,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
      call MPI_Bcast(rparam(1),2,MPI_REAL   ,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
             if( then
               print *,'Error from MPI_Bcast, ierror=',ierror
               go to 999
! Unpack:
      maxcount = iparam(1)
      nx_glob  = iparam(2)
      ny_glob  = iparam(3)
      nz_glob  = iparam(4)
      iofreq   = iparam(5)
      iseed    = iparam(6)
      nprocx   = iparam(7)
      nprocy   = iparam(8)
      nprocz   = iparam(9)
      wght     = rparam(1)
      valmax   = rparam(2)
!    Now we need to get nx_loc, etc. from nx_glob, etc.
      nx_loc = nx_glob/nprocx
      ny_loc = ny_glob/nprocy
      nz_loc = nz_glob/nprocz
!  Check that nprocx, etc. divide evenly into nx_glob, etc.:
      if(*nprocx .or. 
     &*nprocy .or.
     &*nprocz ) then
          print *,'Error: nprocx, nprocy or nprocz dont divide evenly 
     & into nx, ny or nz.  Must quit!'
          go to 999
!  Now the subtle part of figuring myrankx, myranky, myrankz.
!  These are the process rankings in each of the 3 dimensions.
!  (ranks (x,y,z) are stored in usual "fortran" (i,j,k) order):
        myrankx = mod(myrank,nprocx)
        myranky = mod(myrank,(nprocx*nprocy))/nprocx
        myrankz = myrank/(nprocx*nprocy)
        write(9+myrank,*) 'Myrank, and myrank in x,y,z dimensions are:'
     &       , myrank, myrankx,myranky, myrankz
! --- End of MPI-specific section ----
        rwght3 = 1.0 - 3.0*wght !Weight factors derived from fundamental weight
        rwght4 = 1.0 - 4.0*wght
        rwght5 = 1.0 - 5.0*wght
        rwght6 = 1.0 - 6.0*wght
!  The beauty of MPI is that we need only allocate memory for local vars:
!     allocate (arr_in(nx_loc,ny_loc,nz_loc))
      allocate (arx_in(nx_loc+2,ny_loc+2,nz_loc+2)) ! extended domains for MPI
!     allocate (arr_out(nx_loc,ny_loc,nz_loc))
      allocate (arx_out(nx_loc+2,ny_loc+2,nz_loc+2))  ! extended MPI domain 
      allocate (indx(0:nprocz-1))
      allocate (ardx(nz_loc))
      if(myrank.eq.0) then
          print *, 'Maxcount:                ',maxcount
          print *, 'nx_glob,ny_glob,nz_glob: ',nx_glob,ny_glob,nz_glob
          print *, 'Output interval:         ',iofreq
          print *, 'Weight (wght):           ',wght
          print *, 'Value range:             ',valmax
          print *, 'Random seed:             ',iseed
          if(iseed.eq.0) then
             print *, 'Using deterministic initialization'
             print *, 'Using random initialization'
          print *, ' '
!  Initialize the main data array,
!  either deterministically, or with random numbers:
      if(iseed.eq.0) then
        twopi = 8.0*atan(1.0)
!       do k=1,nz_glob
        do k_loc=1,nz_loc
          k = k_loc + nz_loc*myrankz   ! k is index in global domain
!         do j=1,ny
          do j_loc=1,ny_loc
            j = j_loc + ny_loc*myranky   ! j is index in global domain
!           do i=1,nx
            do i_loc =1,nx_loc
              i = i_loc + nx_loc*myrankx   ! i is index in global domain
!       arr_in(i,j,k) = valmax*Cos(7.*xdist)*cos(13.*ydist)*
!    &              cos(11.*zdist)
!       arr_in(i_loc,j_loc,k_loc)=valmax*Cos(7.*xdist)*cos(13.*ydist)*
!    &              cos(11.*zdist)
!  Fill in extended array instead:
     &              cos(13.*ydist)*cos(11.*zdist)
!      do k=1,nz
       do k=2,nz_loc+1
!        do j=1,ny
         do j=2,ny_loc+1
!          do i=1,nx
           do i=2,nx_loc+1
!            arr_in(i,j,k) = valmax*(-1. + 2.0*xran1(iseed))
!            arr_in(i,j,k) = valmax*(-1. + 2.0*xran1(iseed+myrank))
!  Fill in extended array instead:
             arx_in(i,j,k) = valmax*(-1. + 2.0*xran1(iseed+myrank))
      if(myrank.eq.0) then   ! Only process 0 need write this
        if(iseed.eq.0) then
          write(*,*) 'Initial (deterministic) selected values are:'
          write(*,*) 'Initial (random) selected values are:'
! This next "write" should use same data in MPI version as in original.
! So, need to collect it, assuming global (i,j)=(2,2) are on 1st proc...
      if(myrankx+myranky.eq.0) then
         do irkz=0,nprocz-1
          indx(irkz) = 0  ! indx(irkz) is index of points to be sent
         do k_glob=2,nz_glob-1,nz_glob/7 ! all pts as in sequential case
           irkz = (k_glob - 1)/nz_loc    ! z-rank this point lives in
           indx(irkz) = indx(irkz) + 1   ! One more point for this proc.
           if(myrankz.eq.irkz)  then
             k_loc = 1 + mod(k_glob-1,nz_loc)  ! Local z-index
! First try: ardx(indx(irkz)) = arr_in(2,2,k_loc)
             ardx(indx(irkz)) = arx_in(3,3,k_loc+1) ! Use extended array 
         if(myrankz.eq.0) indx0 = indx(0)+1
! So we've run through all the global z-points, identified each with a
! process rank, accumulated as necessary, and collected the real values too.
! Now to send/receive appropriately...
         do irkz=1,nprocz-1    ! N.B. Start irkz at rank 1
           if(indx(irkz).ge.1) then  ! Something to be sent and recvd
             if(myrankz.eq.irkz) call MPI_SEND(ardx(1),indx(irkz),
     &           MPI_REAL,   0,itag1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
             if(myrankz.eq.0) then   ! rank 0 only receives here
!            Note that we must receive from a "global" rank, not irkz:
               call MPI_RECV(ardx(indx0),indx(irkz),MPI_REAL,
     &          irkz*nprocx*nprocy,itag1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,istatus,ierror)
               indx0 = indx0 + indx(irkz)
      endif  ! (myrankx and myranky being both 0...)
!  Next section for master process only:
      if(myrank.eq.0) then 
!seq    write(*,100) (arr_in(2,2,k),k=2,nz-1,nz/7)
        write(*,100) (ardx(k),k=1,indx0-1)
        open (unit=12,file='stresstest.dat',form='formatted')
        write(12,*) 'The Parameters of this run are:'
        write(12,*) 'Maxcount:        ',maxcount
        write(12,*) 'nx,ny,nz (glob): ',nx_glob,ny_glob,nz_glob
        write(12,*) 'nx,ny,nz (local):',nx_loc,ny_loc,nz_loc
        write(12,*) 'Output interval: ',iofreq
        write(12,*) 'Weight (wght):   ',wght
        write(12,*) 'Value range:     ',valmax
        write(12,*) 'Random seed:     ',iseed
        if(iseed.eq.0) then
           write(12,*) 'Using deterministic initialization'
           write(12,*) 'Using random initialization'
        write(12,*) ' '
        write(12,*) 'Initial random values are (i,j,k=1,10):'
!  In most cases these points will be on proc 0. If not, more work is needed
        if( .and. .and. then
!         write (12,100) (arr_in(10,10,k),k=1,10)
          write (12,100) (arx_in(11,11,k),k=2,11)  ! Use extended array instead
          write (12,*) 'Need to collect diagnostic points from remote
     &  processes... not yet implemented'
        write (12,*) ' '
!     Start of outermost loop over smoothing iterations:
      do icount=0,maxcount
! Fill edges of "extended" array arx_in with data from neighbour procs:
       call shado_xch_EW(arx_in,nx_loc,ny_loc,nz_loc,
     &    myrankx,myranky,myrankz,nprocx,nprocy,nprocz)
       call shado_xch_NS(arx_in,nx_loc,ny_loc,nz_loc,
     &    myrankx,myranky,myrankz,nprocx,nprocy,nprocz)
       call shado_xch_TB(arx_in,nx_loc,ny_loc,nz_loc,
     &    myrankx,myranky,myrankz,nprocx,nprocy,nprocz)
!  Main body of (3-d) data:
!  Use of the "extended" array arx_in with "shadow zone" (needed for 
!  MPI case) allows us to radically simplify the smoothing numerical
!  code over the entire global domain, since all physical surfaces,
!  edges and corners are now "inside" the numberical ones!!
!  No need any more for separate loops for separate domain sections.
!     do k=2,nz-1
      do k=2,nz_loc+1
!       do j=2,ny-1
        do j=2,ny_loc+1
!         do i=2,nx-1
          do i=2,nx_loc+1
            arx_out(i,j,k) = rwght6*arx_in(i,j,k) + wght*(
     &         arx_in(i-1,j,k) + arx_in(i+1,j,k) +
     &         arx_in(i,j-1,k) + arx_in(i,j+1,k) +
     &         arx_in(i,j,k-1) + arx_in(i,j,k+1) )
!  Do a 2nd smoothing pass to update arx_in for next iteration:
!  First, need to fill in "edges" of arx_out:
       call shado_xch_EW(arx_out,nx_loc,ny_loc,nz_loc,
     &    myrankx,myranky,myrankz,nprocx,nprocy,nprocz)
       call shado_xch_NS(arx_out,nx_loc,ny_loc,nz_loc,
     &    myrankx,myranky,myrankz,nprocx,nprocy,nprocz)
       call shado_xch_TB(arx_out,nx_loc,ny_loc,nz_loc,
     &    myrankx,myranky,myrankz,nprocx,nprocy,nprocz)
!    Main body of (3-d) data, for 2nd pass:
!     do k=2,nz-1
      do k=2,nz_loc+1
!       do j=2,ny-1
        do j=2,ny_loc+1
!         do i=2,nx-1
          do i=2,nx_loc+1
            arx_in(i,j,k) = rwght6*arx_out(i,j,k) + wght*(
     &         arx_out(i-1,j,k) + arx_out(i+1,j,k) +
     &         arx_out(i,j-1,k) + arx_out(i,j+1,k) +
     &         arx_out(i,j,k-1) + arx_out(i,j,k+1) )
! This next "write" should use same data in MPI version as in original.
! So, need to collect it, assuming (i,j)=(2,2) are on 1st proc...
      if(myrank.eq.0 .and. icount.eq.0) 
     &     write(*,*) 'Successively smoothed values are:'
!  Only do diagnostic output at specified intervals:
      if( .or. mod(icount,iofreq).eq.0)  then
       if(myrankx.eq.0 .and. myranky.eq.0) then
         do irkz=0,nprocz-1
          indx(irkz) = 0  ! indx(irkz) is index of points to be sent
         do k_glob=2,nz_glob-1,nz_glob/7 ! all pts as in sequential case
           irkz = (k_glob - 1)/nz_loc    ! z-rank this point lives in
           indx(irkz) = indx(irkz) + 1   ! One more point for this proc.
           if(myrankz.eq.irkz)  then
             k_loc = 1 + mod(k_glob-1,nz_loc)  ! Local z-index
! First try: ardx(indx(irkz)) = arr_in(2,2,k_loc)
             ardx(indx(irkz)) = arx_in(3,3,k_loc+1) ! Use extended array
         if(myrankz.eq.0) indx0 = indx(0) + 1
! So we've run through all the global z-points, identified each with a
! process rank, accumulated as necessary, and collected the real values too
! Now to send/receive appropriately...
         do irkz=1,nprocz-1    ! N.B. Start irkz at rank 1
           if(indx(irkz).ge.1) then
             if(myrankz.eq.irkz) call MPI_SEND(ardx(1),indx(irkz),
     &           MPI_REAL,   0,itag1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
             if(myrankz.eq.0) then   ! rank 0 only receives here
!            Note that we must receive from a "global" rank, not irkz:
               call MPI_RECV(ardx(indx0),indx(irkz),MPI_REAL,
     &          irkz*nprocx*nprocy,itag1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,istatus,ierror)
               indx0 = indx0 + indx(irkz)
       endif  ! (myrankx and myranky being both 0...)
!    &       write(*,100) (arr_in(2,2,k),k=2,nz-1,nz/7)
     &       write(*,100) (ardx(k),k=1,indx0-1)
      endif   ! (iteration for diagnostic output)
      enddo    ! (end of outer-most "iteration" loop over icount)
      if(myrank.eq.0) then
      write(12,*) 'Final (smoothed?) values are (i,j,k=1,10):'
!  In most cases these points will be on proc 0. If not, more work is neede
        if( .and. .and. then
          write (12,100) (arx_in(11,11,k),k=2,11)
          write (12,*) 'Need to collect diagnostic points from remote
     &  processes... not yet implemented'
      call MPI_FINALIZE(ierror)
      stop 'Normal end, max smoothing iterations completed.'
 999  stop 'Program ended prematurely due to fatal error'
 100  format(6e12.4)

      function xran1(idum)
c     Routine from Numerical Recipes to return a uniform random
c     deviate between 0.0 and 1.0.  Set idum to any negative number
c     to initialize or reinitialize the sequence.
      parameter (nn=97)
      parameter (m1=259200, ia1=7141, ic1=54773, rm1=1./m1)
      parameter (m2=134456, ia2=8121, ic2=28411, rm2=1./m2)
      parameter (m3=243000, ia3=4561, ic3=51349)
      real xran1, r(nn)
      save r, ix1,ix2,ix3
      data iff /0/
      if ( .or. iff.eq.0) then
        iff = 1
        ix1 = mod(ic1-idum,m1)     ! seed the first routine
        ix1 = mod(ia1*ix1+ic1,m1)
        ix2 = mod(ix1,m2)          ! and use it to seed the second
        ix1 = mod(ia1*ix1+ic1,m1)
        ix3 = mod(ix1,m3)          ! and to seed the third
        do 11,j=1,nn                ! fill the table with sequential
          ix1 = mod(ia1*ix1+ic1,m1) ! random deviates generated by the
          ix2 = mod(ia2*ix2+ic2,m2) ! first two routines
          r(j) = (float(ix1)+float(ix2)*rm2)*rm1
 11     continue
        idum = 1
      ix1 = mod(ia1*ix1+ic1,m1)
      ix2 = mod(ia2*ix2+ic2,m2)
      ix3 = mod(ia3*ix3+ic3,m3)
      j = 1+(nn*ix3)/m3  ! use 3rd sequence for no. between 1 and 97
      if( pause
      xran1 = r(j)        ! return that table entry
      r(j) = (float(ix1)+float(ix2)*rm2)*rm1    ! and refill it

      subroutine shado_xch_EW(arx_in,nx_loc,ny_loc,nz_loc,
     &   myrankx,myranky,myrankz,nprocx,nprocy,nprocz)
!  Routine to do east-west shadow-zone exchange.
!  If this process has a neighbour to east or west, a shadow-zone
!  swap will occur.
!  The eastmost surface of arr_in (i.e., the physical local domain)
!  is sent to the westmost surface of arx_in (i.e., the extended local
!  domain) of the process to the east - if there is one.
!  The westmost surface of arr_in (i.e., the physical local domain)
!  is sent to the eastmost surface of arx_in (i.e., the extended
!  local domain) of the process to the west - if there is one.
!  Similarly, the westmost surface of arr_in (i.e., the physical local
!  domain) from any process to the east is received into the eastmost
!  surface of arx_in (i.e., the extended local domain).
!  The eastmost surface of arr_in (i.e., the physical local domain)
!  from any process to the west is received into the westmost surface
!  of arx_in (i.e., the extended local domain).
!  To help avoid contention, let even processes send eastwards first,
!  while odd processes send westwards first.  That way, all processes
!  should have data ready to receive when MPI_Recv is called.
!  If at eastern or western boundaries of the global domain, just
!  copy the edge of arr_in into the edge of arx_in.
      implicit none
      integer myrankx,myranky,myrankz,nprocx,nprocy,nprocz
      integer nx_loc, ny_loc, nz_loc, j, k
      real arx_in(nx_loc+2,ny_loc+2,nz_loc+2)
      real shado_E(ny_loc,nz_loc)       !  For data moving eastwards
      real shado_W(ny_loc,nz_loc)       !   "    "   "     westwards
      logical least,lwest
      include 'mpif.h'
      integer istatus(MPI_STATUS_SIZE),ierror,ideste,idestw
      integer, parameter :: itage=123, itagw=321
! First, western global boundary treatment:
      if(myrankx.eq.0) then     ! Am at the western boundary already
        do k=2,nz_loc+1         ! Just copy west sfc of arr_in to arx_in
          do j=2,ny_loc+1
            arx_in(1,j,k) = arx_in(2,j,k)  ! simplifies filter 
! Next, eastern global boundary treatment:
      if(myrankx.eq.nprocx-1) then   ! Am at the eastern boundary already
        do k=2,nz_loc+1         ! Just copy east sfc of arr_in to arx_in
          do j=2,ny_loc+1
            arx_in(nx_loc+2,j,k) = arx_in(nx_loc+1,j,k)  ! simplifes filter 
! For max. efficiency, let even procs send east first, then west, while
!                           odd procs send west first, then east.
      least = .false.
      lwest = .false.
      if( mod(myrankx,2).eq.1 ) go to 102
! Eastern local boundary treatment:
  101 continue
      if( then   ! need to do a shadow-exchange
        do k=2,nz_loc+1              ! Send to east, receive from east
          do j=2,ny_loc+1
            shado_E(j-1,k-1) = arx_in(nx_loc+1,j,k)
! Send/recv to/from process "ideste", with same myranky,z and myrankx+1:
          ideste= myrankz*nprocx*nprocy + myranky*nprocx + myrankx + 1
!  Note: it makes sense to post the "receive" here first, since data from 
!  the "odd" procs is already "sent".  Otherwise, if everything is "sent" 
!  before anything is "received", there could be too much data 
!  simultaneously in flight for some MPI implementations...
          call MPI_Recv(shado_W(1,1),ny_loc*nz_loc,MPI_REAL,
     &                  ideste,itagw,MPI_COMM_WORLD,istatus,ierror)
          call MPI_Send(shado_E(1,1),ny_loc*nz_loc,MPI_REAL,
     &                  ideste,itage,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
          do k=2,nz_loc+1
            do j=2,ny_loc+1
              arx_in(nx_loc+2,j,k) = shado_W(j-1,k-1)
      least = .true. 
      if(lwest) go to 103
! Western local boundary treatment:
  102 continue
      if( then   ! need to do a shadow-exchange
        do k=2,nz_loc+1       ! Send to west, receive from west 
          do j=2,ny_loc+1
            shado_W(j-1,k-1) = arx_in(2,j,k)  ! Pack up local array values
! Send to process "idestw", with same myranky,z and myrankx-1:
          idestw= myrankz*nprocx*nprocy + myranky*nprocx + myrankx - 1
          call MPI_Send(shado_W(1,1),ny_loc*nz_loc,MPI_REAL,
     &                  idestw,itagw,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
! Receive from process "idestw" as well:
          call MPI_Recv(shado_E(1,1),ny_loc*nz_loc,MPI_REAL,
     &                  idestw,itage,MPI_COMM_WORLD,istatus,ierror)
          do k=2,nz_loc+1
            do j=2,ny_loc+1
              arx_in(1,j,k) = shado_E(j-1,k-1)
      lwest = .true.
      if(.not.least) go to 101
  103 return

      subroutine shado_xch_NS(arx_in,nx_loc,ny_loc,nz_loc,
     &   myrankx,myranky,myrankz,nprocx,nprocy,nprocz)
!  Routine to do north-south shadow-zone exchange.
!  If this process has a neighbour to north or south, a shadow-zone
!  swap will occur.
!  The northmost surface of arr_in (i.e., the physical local domain)
!  is sent to the southmost surface of arx_in (i.e., the extended local 
!  domain) of the process to the north - if there is one.
!  The southmost surface of arr_in (i.e., the physical local domain)
!  is sent to the northmost surface of arx_in (i.e., the extended  
!  local domain) of the process to the south - if there is one.
!  Similarly, the southmost surface of arr_in (i.e., the physical local
!  domain) from any process to the north is received into the northmost
!  surface of arx_in (i.e., the extended local domain). 
!  The northmost surface of arr_in (i.e., the physical local domain)
!  from any process to the south is received into the southmost surface
!  of arx_in (i.e., the extended local domain).
!  To help avoid contention, let even processes send northwards first,
!  while odd processes send southwards first.  That way, all processes
!  should have data ready to receive when MPI_Recv is called.
!  If at northern or southern boundaries of the global domain, just 
!  copy the edge of arr_in into the edge of arx_in. 
      implicit none
      integer myrankx,myranky,myrankz,nprocx,nprocy,nprocz
      integer nx_loc, ny_loc, nz_loc, i, j, k
      real arx_in(nx_loc+2,ny_loc+2,nz_loc+2)
      real shado_N(nx_loc,nz_loc)       !  For data moving northwards
      real shado_S(nx_loc,nz_loc)       !   "    "   "     southwards
      logical lnorth,lsouth
      include 'mpif.h'
      integer istatus(MPI_STATUS_SIZE),ierror,idestn,idests
      integer, parameter :: itagn=425, itags=524
! First, southern global boundary treatment:
      if(myranky.eq.0) then     ! Am at the southern boundary already
        do k=2,nz_loc+1         ! Just copy south sfc of arr_in to arx_in
          do i=2,nx_loc+1
            arx_in(i,1,k) = arx_in(i,2,k)  ! simplifies filter 
! Next, northern global boundary treatment:
      if(myranky.eq.nprocy-1) then   ! Am at the northern boundary already
        do k=2,nz_loc+1         ! Just copy north sfc of arr_in to arx_in
          do i=2,nx_loc+1
            arx_in(i,ny_loc+2,k) = arx_in(i,ny_loc+1,k)  ! simplifes filter 
! For max. efficiency, let even procs send north first, then south, while
!                           odd procs send south first, then north.
      lnorth = .false.
      lsouth = .false.
      if( mod(myranky,2).eq.1 ) go to 102
! Northern local boundary treatment:
  101 continue
      if( then   ! need to do a shadow-exchange
        do k=2,nz_loc+1              ! Send to north, receive from north 
          do i=2,nx_loc+1
            shado_N(i-1,k-1) = arx_in(i,ny_loc+1,k)
! Send/recv to/from process "idestn", with same myrankx,z and myranky+1:
          idestn= myrankz*nprocx*nprocy + (myranky+1)*nprocx + myrankx
!  Note: it makes sense to post the "receive" here first, since data from
!  the "odd" procs is already "sent".  Otherwise, if everything is "sent"
!  before anything is "received", there could be too much data
!  simultaneously in flight for some MPI implementations...
          call MPI_Recv(shado_S(1,1),nx_loc*nz_loc,MPI_REAL,
     &                  idestn,itags,MPI_COMM_WORLD,istatus,ierror)
          call MPI_Send(shado_N(1,1),nx_loc*nz_loc,MPI_REAL,
     &                  idestn,itagn,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
          do k=2,nz_loc+1
            do i=2,nx_loc+1
              arx_in(i,ny_loc+2,k) = shado_S(i-1,k-1)
      lnorth = .true. 
      if(lsouth) go to 103
! Southern local boundary treatment:
  102 continue
      if( then   ! need to do a shadow-exchange
        do k=2,nz_loc+1       ! Send to south, receive from south
          do i=2,nx_loc+1
            shado_S(i-1,k-1) = arx_in(i,2,k)  ! Pack up local array values
! Send to process "idests", with same myrankx,z and myranky-1:
          idests= myrankz*nprocx*nprocy + (myranky-1)*nprocx + myrankx
          call MPI_Send(shado_S(1,1),nx_loc*nz_loc,MPI_REAL,
     &                  idests,itags,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
! Receive from process "idests" as well:
          call MPI_Recv(shado_N(1,1),nx_loc*nz_loc,MPI_REAL,
     &                  idests,itagn,MPI_COMM_WORLD,istatus,ierror)
          do k=2,nz_loc+1
            do i=2,nx_loc+1
              arx_in(i,1,k) = shado_N(i-1,k-1)
      lsouth = .true.
      if(.not.lnorth) go to 101
  103 return

      subroutine shado_xch_TB(arx_in,nx_loc,ny_loc,nz_loc,
     &   myrankx,myranky,myrankz,nprocx,nprocy,nprocz)
!  Routine to do top-bottom (or up-down) shadow-zone exchange.
!  If this process has a neighbour above or below, a shadow-zone
!  swap will occur.
!  The topmost surface of arr_in (i.e., the physical local domain)
!  is sent to the bottom-most surface of arx_in (the extended local 
!  domain) of the process above - if there is one.
!  The bottom-most surface of arr_in (i.e., the physical local domain)
!  is sent to the topmost surface of arx_in (i.e., the extended  
!  local domain) of the process below - if there is one.
!  Similarly, the bottom-most surface of arr_in (the physical local
!  domain) from any process above is received into the topmost
!  surface of arx_in (i.e., the extended local domain). 
!  The topmost surface of arr_in (i.e., the physical local domain)
!  from any process below is received into the bottom-most surface
!  of arx_in (i.e., the extended local domain).
!  To help avoid contention, let even processes send upwards first,
!  while odd processes send downwards first.  That way, all processes
!  should have data ready to receive when MPI_Recv is called.
!  If at topmost or bottommost boundaries of the global domain, just 
!  copy the edge of arr_in into the edge of arx_in. 
      implicit none
      integer myrankx,myranky,myrankz,nprocx,nprocy,nprocz,myrank
      integer nx_loc, ny_loc, nz_loc, i, j, k
      real arx_in(nx_loc+2,ny_loc+2,nz_loc+2)
      real shado_T(nx_loc,ny_loc)       !  For data moving upwards
      real shado_B(nx_loc,ny_loc)       !   "    "   "     downwards
      logical ltop,lbottom
      include 'mpif.h'
      integer istatus(MPI_STATUS_SIZE),ierror,idestt,idestb
      integer, parameter :: itagt=627, itagb=726
! First, bottom global boundary treatment:
      if(myrankz.eq.0) then     ! Am at the bottom boundary already
        do j=2,ny_loc+1         ! Just copy south sfc of arr_in to arx_in
          do i=2,nx_loc+1
            arx_in(i,j,1) = arx_in(i,j,2)  ! simplifies filter 
! Next, top global boundary treatment:
      if(myrankz.eq.nprocz-1) then   ! Am at the top boundary already
        do j=2,ny_loc+1         ! Just copy top sfc of arr_in to arx_in
          do i=2,nx_loc+1
            arx_in(i,j,nz_loc+2) = arx_in(i,j,nz_loc+1)  ! simplifes filter 
! For max. efficiency, let even procs send up first, then down, while
!                           odd procs send down first, then up.
      ltop = .false.
      lbottom = .false.
      if( mod(myrankz,2).eq.1 ) go to 102
! Top local boundary treatment:
  101 continue
      if( then   ! need to do a shadow-exchange
        do j=2,ny_loc+1              ! Send above, receive from above
          do i=2,nx_loc+1
            shado_T(i-1,j-1) = arx_in(i,j,nz_loc+1)
! Send/recv to/from process "idestt", with same myrankx,y and myrankz+1:
          idestt= (myrankz+1)*nprocx*nprocy + myranky*nprocx + myrankx
!  Note: it makes sense to post the "receive" here first, since data from
!  the "odd" procs is already "sent".  Otherwise, if everything is "sent"
!  before anything is "received", there could be too much data
!  simultaneously in flight for some MPI implementations...
          call MPI_Recv(shado_B(1,1),nx_loc*ny_loc,MPI_REAL,
     &                  idestt,itagb,MPI_COMM_WORLD,istatus,ierror)
          call MPI_Send(shado_T(1,1),nx_loc*ny_loc,MPI_REAL,
     &                  idestt,itagt,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
          do j=2,ny_loc+1
            do i=2,nx_loc+1
              arx_in(i,j,nz_loc+2) = shado_B(i-1,j-1)
!debug       write(9+myrank,*) 'Shado TB, finished send/recv above'
      ltop = .true. 
      if(lbottom) go to 103
! Bottom local boundary treatment:
  102 continue
      if( then   ! need to do a shadow-exchange
        do j=2,ny_loc+1       ! Send below, receive from below
          do i=2,nx_loc+1
            shado_B(i-1,j-1) = arx_in(i,j,2)  ! Pack up local array values
! Send to process "idestb", with same myrankx,y and myrankz-1:
          idestb= (myrankz-1)*nprocx*nprocy + myranky*nprocx + myrankx
          call MPI_Send(shado_B(1,1),nx_loc*ny_loc,MPI_REAL,
     &                  idestb,itagb,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
! Receive from process "idestb" as well:
          call MPI_Recv(shado_T(1,1),nx_loc*ny_loc,MPI_REAL,
     &                  idestb,itagt,MPI_COMM_WORLD,istatus,ierror)
          do j=2,ny_loc+1
            do i=2,nx_loc+1
              arx_in(i,j,1) = shado_T(i-1,j-1)
      lbottom = .true.
      if(.not.ltop) go to 101
  103 return