About These Weather Forecast Charts
The weather charts linked to below are all generated by running the WS-ETA model over various domains at different resolutions, using initial and boundary conditions provided by the US global forecast system (GFS) model, at 1/4 degree resolution (i.e., using grid-spacing of approx. 25km)
The North-east Atlantic domain has grid-resolution of approx. 8km. The model is run in hydrostatic mode for this domain.
The Ireland-UK domain has grid-resolution of approx. 2km. This run is nested in the North-east Atlantic run (i.e., takes initial and boundary conditions from that rather than from the GFS output), and is run in non-hydrostatic mode (so gravity waves are permitted)
The Connemara domain has grid-resolution of approx. 0.6km, and is nested in the Ireland-UK run (i.e., takes initial and boundary conditions from that one). Ultra high-resolution topographic elevation data from the Aster satellite is provided as a lower boundary condition. This is the main factor that permits running the model at such high resolution.
Northeast Atlantic Charts
Ireland and UK Charts
Ultra hi-res Connemara Charts